Support & Personalisation
The Support
Support will be assessed on a person centred approach to meet the individual needs and the activities the individual or group has expressed an interest in.
Support will be guided by the ‘Person Centred Approach’, ‘Personalisation Agenda’ and ‘Putting People First’ (see below)
Day to day support
Support workers will be available up to 24 hours per day, to provide support with the day to day living, neurotypical people take for granted, such as: getting up, getting ready for the day, wearing weather & activity appropriate clothing, meal planning, shopping, cooking, budgeting, making and attending appointments, correspondence, travelling, access to the community, day trips, annual holidays, etc.
Day to day support will depend on each individuals support needs & their personal Support plan.
Support to access a ‘Life more Ordinary’
This involves finding out what the individual is interested in, what they would like to do and where they would like to go.
Therefore support involves researching activities, as well as planning, preparation, risk assessments, budgeting, enabling full participation.
In addition support is provided during the activity itself, evaluation of the activity and future activity planning, as a rolling programme. Please see ‘Things we’ve done’ or Case Study pages.

The Staff
All staff including cover & bank staff (who will be used for holiday & sickness cover) will be suitably qualified & experienced & all are DBS checked and East Sussex County Council Supported Accommodation Team approved.
The Policies
This project has working policies on Health & Safety, Risk Assessment, Equality of Opportunity, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, a strict confidentiality policy & abides by Data Protection requirements.
‘Person Centred Planning’, ‘Personalisation’ & ‘Putting People First’
Please Click Here for link to MENCAP Person-centred approaches
Put simply, person-centred planning is a way of discovering what people want, the support they need and how they can get it. It is evidence-based practice that assists people in leading an independent and inclusive life.
Person-centred planning is both an empowering philosophy and a set of tools for change, at an individual, a team and an organisational level. It shifts power from professionals to people who use services.
Please Click Here for an Easy Read of Personalisation
Please Click Here for Department of Health ‘Personalisation through Person-Centred Planning’ pdf.
The Personalisation Agenda came from ‘Putting People First’ and is a shared vision and commitment to finding new ways to improve social care in England, outlining the Governments vision of enabling individuals to live independently and have complete choice and control in their lives.
It also means making universal services such as transport, housing and education accessible to all. It’s about putting individuals firmly in the driving seat of building systems of care and support that is designed with their full involvement and tailored to meet their unique needs.
‘Putting people first‘, published in December 2007, contains the government’s vision of how personalisation of social care services will allow people more control over their own lives and the services they choose.